Dawn redwoods are in a small class of trees known as deciduous conifers. This means it does produce an evergreen type needle but it looses it every fall, also in this group are baled cypress and larch. One of the interesting facts about this group of trees is that they are rege

nerative, this means that if you were to cut down a dawn redwood it would regrow from the stump to form a new leader. The root flair of this tree is one of the most outstanding parts. With its orange/brown color it produces several large buttress like root flairs that extend several feet up the trunk. This tree produces small upright spreading branches that are well attached to a straight central trunk. This tree requires very little pruning to keep its pyramidal form. Optimal growing rate for this tree is about seven feet a year, for that you

will need full sun, lots of deep ground water and a well drained, acidic soil. Many dawn redwoods in this country that are less than fifty years old have already reached the 100 foot mark. Although it is a very fast growing tree, it does not like to be crowded among other trees
, it will not do very well in that situation at all. The lacy green fern like foliage that comes out in spring and lasts though the summer months turns a yellow /orange color after the first frost. Like the baled cypress it will grow in standing water, so it is a very good plant for wetland areas. Lighting protection is recommended for older trees since they are usually the tallest trees and would be the first ones hit. So if you are looking for a large mejestic giant for your garden give this plant another look.
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